Thursday, January 14, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

Reiley is officially 1! I can't believe it! The last few weeks have been full of memories for us as will the coming weeks. God has answered all those prayers prayed for me & that sweet little 2 - 1/2 lb. baby that came into the world Jan. 12, '09. She truly is a miracle. Her pediatrician continues to remind us how fortunate we are that she is doing so well. He said he sees a lot of 29 weekers and she is just excelling. Praise God! She is a speedy crawler now & has 2 teeth that came at the same time & she's working on some more. She loves to pull herself up to furniture & move along it. Sadly she has a lot of bumps & marks on her head because of that!
We had a fun party for her the other night & she got a lot of wonderful presents! Thanks so much to everyone who gave! It may as well have been my own birthday the way I got excited over her presents. :) She can now add chocolate cake to her long list of favorite foods. :) She sure enjoyed her birthday treats!
To add to the birthday fun, we received a call from my sister in Oregon saying Reiley has a new cousin & born on her birthday at that! A girl!!! I know we live on opposite coasts, but I was so excited that Reiley has a girl cousin so close to her age!

I pray this next year is just as special to us as this past year was!