Wednesday, August 26, 2009

7 months!

We took Reiley to her 6 month (7 mo. really) NICU follow-up appointment the beginning of last week. She was evaluated by 2 doctors & a physical therapist. She was also supposed to have another eye checkup, but that got rescheduled for a later date. They were all so impressed with her! Her motor skills are definitely improving & she's basically caught up to age with them. The PT said most of them are in the 6-7 month ability. They told her she was just showing off! :) We left there feeling so relieved and thankful for our little superstar! We were pretty sure of where she was at, but it still feels good to get that confirmation from a specialist!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pictures from Florida

Me & my 2nd Cousin Keira Ryleigh

My Buddy Wanda

Aunt Gina likes to give me a bath

Me in mommy's dress from when she was 6 months old!

Grandma & Me

Fun in the pool

Grandpa's Birthday Party

Grandpa's surprise 60th birthday party!

We made him a plate of foods he does NOT like.

Umm...are we related? :)

Me with Great-Grandma Anna